Friday, November 5, 2010

I thought I had this already up. Anyway this is the sex toy box set I did. I would love to tell you you'll see them in your favourite retailer soon, but unfortunately due to payment disputes you'll only see this here, and during portfolio sessions when I'm going for job interviews.

It has been suggested that I should do limited prints of some of my iPad art like this, and I am looking into doing some sort of art show with it.

In the mean time I can tell you that there is an art show I'm planning with an artist friend of mine I know for ten years from my Australian indy comic days :) We'll try to hold it in Summer next year, and it will be in Shanghai. There's a suitcase full of work ready now to be organised :).

In London now, and these are some images I've been trying to post up for the longest time. Started on iPad and finished up on photoshop.